Friday, March 15, 2013

Don't Give Up The Battle!!

 On The Brink of Blessings, and Not Even Knowing It!.....

I Samuel 30:1 - 4

And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire;

And had taken the women captives, that were therein: they slew not any, either great or small, but carried them away, and went on their way.

So David and his men came to the city, and, behold, it was burned with fire; and their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, were taken captives.

Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep.

This chapter begins with David and his 600 men returning to  Ziklag from Aphek, a 3 day journey, or approx... 70 miles. Instead of finding rest in their homes and joy with their families as they expected, they found their hometown burned, and their wives and children taken captive! They had been rejected by those they had joined, had avoided Saul who sought to kill them, only to return home and find everything they ha was now all gone. They were so HURT by what they found that these warriors wept aloud until they had no strength left to weep. Cried until they could cry no more.

At this point in time they were already EXHAUSTED from their three day journey. Now they were HEARTBROKEN because everyone and everything they loved and valued was gone. After they had cried until they could cry no more they became angry. Their ANGER was then directed toward David, the very one who had led them through many difficult situations. David's faithful followers spoke of stoning him for this! (Put yourself in David’s place. Try to imagine his exhaustion, grief, regret and anxiety he must have experienced. He had lost as much as anyone else and more. Now those he had been leading, those he had fought along side,those he thought to be his Friends, have now turned on him .          

Who did David have to turn to for support? Who was left for David to lean on? WHO encouraged David to continue on? David encouraged David! He chose to continue for the sake of all who would be affected if he quit! If David had quit would he have recovered. He knew his source of strength was Almighty God.
1sa 30:6And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God.

Severe Testing comes on the Brink of Blessing

Keep in mind that David,, had already been anointed king of Israel (1 Sam. 16:1-13). He had been fleeing from Saul, who desired to kill him! His lifestyle had been anything but pleasurable for sometime now, hiding in caves from the jealous Saul,experiencing hunger,faced with difficult decisions, David had not had an easy journey at this point. . This would prove to be  the LAST test for David before he took the office as king. (His last test was the most severe.) He was on the brink of blessings, and he didn’t even know it!

After this, David inquired of the LORD regarding direction.He sought the Lord for direction. He turned to the one who would never leave him, nor deceive him. He then took his 600 men and went after the Amalekites. He quickly lost 200 men, because they were too exhausted to cross the brook Besor they gave up. 
After that brook was crossed, David in the lead with his  400 men , tired and exhausted they journeyed on. Because One man sought the LORD’S strength and direction.
David and his men did in fact fight the Amalekites from dusk until the evening of the next day. ....Think about this they were tired, they were exhausted from a battle they had fought before arriving to this battle the battle of depression, heartache, battle of hopelessness.(Victory was in store for David, but he had to fight hard and long to get it even though he was already exhausted, tired and and at one point discouraged!) They recovered everything. Nothing was lost. David brought everything back (1 Sam. 30:19).
Try to imagine how happy  David's two wives, were at this point!  Imagine how happy they all were that David and the 400 men endured -- that they didn't quit -- that they didn't leave them abandoned without hope of escape, that they chose do rise up and do something when it seemed all hope was gone! Now try to imagine how thankful and glad David and his men were when it was all over. They were now reunited once again with their families and had recovered their own goods. The battle was over,they had endured. Ask David was it worth it David? Was it worth ENDURING the many hardships that came your way? He would answer you "IT WAS WORTH EVERY STEP OF THE BATTLE "...We Must Endure not only for our our soul,but for the Sake of Souls that are being held captive by the strong hold of Satan.
One Person with One Decision Can Turn Things Around
 All this began with just one person, at a crucial time, deciding to encourage himself in the LORD, instead of giving up. Things turned for David and his men based upon that single decision!
To be victorious, there will be times when, you're going to have to encourage yourself in the Lord. Victory and blessings followed David's choice. The choices we make will echo throughout eternity.
David was God’s chosen and ANOINTED to lead all of Israel, yet he faced great disappointments, heartaches and problems, over an extended time.The greatest battle came right before he would rise to become the King. The greatest battle may come right on the brink on your greatest blessing. Remember the greater the battle the sweeter the victory. Earlier in David's life, his faith was great enough to slay that mighty Philistine champion , Goliath, but now deliverance was nowhere in sight! As followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we too must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God. Friend don't give the battle for you shall surely ........reap, if you faint not.

Galatians 6:9And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Friend may you find, peace,hope and love. May You Allow Jesus to dwell richly in you!
                                                             HIS Friend and yours


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