Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Be Of Good Cheer; It Is I; Be Not Afraid.

Mt 14:23
And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.

Mt 14:24
But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.
Mt 14:25

And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went
unto them, walking on the sea.
Mt 14:26

And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.
Mt 14:27

But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
Mt 14:28

And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
Mt 14:29

And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
This was a time when a storm was raging, it looked like all would be lost. Jesus disciples out on the raging sea, while HE was apart, alone. While the storm was raging Jesus was praying. HIs disciples know doubt thought, "Where in the world is HE when we need HIM the most." I would imagine a time alot like today, with all the troubles in this world, the stock markets crashing, nation against nation, violence on an all time high. Sometimes on may question where are you LORD?
But notice in verse :25
And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea.
He did not leave them there to die, although it seemed hopeless, fearful, an troublesome, there was an appointed time of arrival. Just as there is today, all is not lost, HE is meerly watching from a distant shore, waiting on the time to come walking on the water for us.
The troubles for those disciples that night, was nothing for our LORD and saviour. Their trouble was only stepping stones for HIM to walk on. { completely under HIS feet }
There will never be a storm to large for HIM, troubles to big that HE cannot solve them. What seems impossible with man is POSSIBLE with GOD!!!!!!!!!!
Today HE is still saying be of good cheer it is I be not afraid.
Don't look at the storm that is surrounding you, look to the one that controls the storm, in HIM you will find comfort and peace.
Peter questioned, and said LORD if it be thou bid ME to come unto thee on the water. Jesus answered and said COME.
Peter got off the boat making his journey toward the Lord when he became frightened of the storm and began to sink. Fear caused Peter to begin to sink, friend be of good courage,........

2ti 1:7
For God hath not given us the SPIRIT OF FEAR; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Fear will cause you to sink.........
Mt 14:30
But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
Mt 14:31
And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?

The key words here beginning to sink, he cried, saying Lord save me, and Immediately Jesus stretched forth HIS hand and caught him.

Yes Peter began to sink, but he cried out when he realized he was going down, you don't need to wait until your head is under, cry out now, cry out when you feel your self sinking, the end result,is HE will hear. For HE has no respect of person and will stretch forth HIS hand for you.

There will never be a mountain to high, nor a valley to low that you cannot overcome with the help of the LORD!!!!

Eph 6:10
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
Eph 6:11
Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

As bad as times may seem, as hopeless as situations may be, there is an appointed time he will come, we just have to keep watching and looking and one day we to shall see HIS appearing.

so just remember

Joh 14:1
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Blessing of the day
May your eyes be fixed on HIM, may you have ears to hear with, and eyes to see with, and a heart to recieve it. May you find strength to endure, and courage to keep pressing forward.

His friend and yours


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is wonderful. I am glad God gave you this to do..and thankful that you obeyed. I know that I will be looking forward to viewing this blog everyday to see what the Lord has! May God bless you GREATLY!

Friday, 17 October, 2008  

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